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tv   ABC7 News at 12A on KOFY  KOFY  November 27, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PST

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with thermacare heatwraps. how can you get back pain relilf that lasts up to 16 hours? thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief... try thermacare. >> it's a dry night in the bay area but that's about to change. drastically. you are looking at live look at the bay bridge and san francisco from our emeryville camera but get ready for more fog and series of 3 storm systems. good
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evening everyone i'm carolyn job son. dan is off tonight. let's check in with sandhya with a look at the approaching storms but first fog for a morning com >> yes. that fog is already dropping visibility right now. let's check out live doppler 7 hd and you will see what it looks like. not only fog but high clouds moving in up above check out the visibility. it is down to 3 quarters of a mile in napa. foggy in fairfield concord down to 2 and a half miles. same thing for novato. santa rosa visibility 3 miles right now. we are headed towards a morning of area of dense fog and then check out the pacific. the storm lined up. 3 storms that are developing in the pacific. they will hit the bay area with heavy wind and rain at times. i'll be back with the timing of the systems in just a few minutes. >> all right sand why thanks. >> the fogy weather may have been a factor in a deadly crash that claimed the life of 14-year-old girl riding her bike to school this morning. pickup truck collided with the
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teen at jefferson avenue andal immediate a redwood city at 8:30 where lillian kim is live with the story. lillian? >>reporter: the fogy wet conditions certainly made for slick roads in this intersection was no exception. this is where the collision occurred and it didn't take long for people to stop by and pay their respects. tragic death of teenager girl has affected the entire community. even members of san mateo county fire department came to the intersection to bring flowers. they didn't know the girl personally but felt compelled to be here. >> i felt like we needed to come over and memorize her and if something were to happen to my kid i would want them to be remembered and honored. >>reporter: she was only 14 years old. on her way to woodside high school when she was the victim of what appears to have been a freak accident. she was on her bike. making a right turn from jefferson avenue on to alameda redwood city. but witness say she slid and got caught in the rear tire
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of a pickup truck which was also making a right turn. weather conditions may have played a role. residents say it was extremely foggy at the time and the roads were wet. vickie witnessed the aftermath and says the driver of the truck is a good friend of hers. >> my prayers go out to her family. you know. she went to school with my kids. unfortunate. i hope that there's no animosity because if he can do anything over i'm sure he would. >>reporter: leyla was a freshman at woodside high and all accounts had a bright future. she graduated from the forget the children school. spoken 3 language and had taken up fencing. curtis rochelle was her classmate. >> she's a very nice person. always had a smile on her face. she was very friendly to everyone. seemed like she got along well with a lot of other kid. >>reporter: grieve counselors available at woodside high school tomorrow. students have also been asked on facebook to wear blue in leyla memory. live in redwood city, lillian
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kim abc 7 news. >> thank you lillian. >> novato family will receive 675,000 dollars from the city after their daughter was killed by a drunk driver in a city crosswalk. motorcycle hit nip-year-old melody and her father in may of 2009. her father had to have his leg amputated. motorcyclist found guilty of drunk driving and second agree murder. family sued the city saying there was only one crosswalk on the stretch of road and it was obscured by a hill. today the city agreed to pay the family and add memorial in her name. city recently added a second crosswalk there. city of san jose prepare to select a new police chief they are asking for public input. tonight was the first such community meeting where residents gave their feedback about what they want in a new top cop. allen wong has the story from san jose. >> this person has to be knowledgeable. has to be a manager first and foremost. >> the goal is to get the community involved in hiring the next police chief. tonight
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meeting residents listed their requirements which included cultural competence. community engagement. management skills. honesty and strong crime fighting record. but the debate over hiring insider versus an outsider dominated the conversation. >> we need somebody from within the city and i think it will work better. we don't need -- too many outsiders. >> if we pick somebody from within again i would bet anybody here he would be here 4 years at the most and g.o.p. then select somebody else. we have to pay the retirement and all the this things come along with it. >>reporter: police chief moore was 24 year veteran san jose police officer before he became chief. but he sevened less than 2 years before announcing his retirement. >> if we are not going to promote from within then we need to find somebody who has come from a comparable me to toplis like comparable to san jose. >>reporter: chief moore will step down in january after a 10 year mired in pension reform
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budget cut and dwindling force. >> we are going to earlier than other cities but our reputation is still way way up there and i think anybody who comes in and serves with our chief would be quite honored to do so. >>reporter: it was the first of 4 city wide meetings. reporting in san jose, abc 7 news. as we first reported on abc 7 news at 9:00 hazardous material scare led to evacuation at san jose sports complex tonight. it happened at the silver creek sports plex at 8 this evening. firefighters say 8 to continue people reported breathing problems in response a hazmat team swept through the women locker room but didn't find anything toxic. firefighters at the scene told us somebody may have put too much eucalyptus oil on the sauna rock. nobody was taken to the hospital. neighborhood watch program in oakland is investing in technology to help fight crime crimes. neighbors installed infrared camera along the street here. camera stream the
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content to cloud base server and if there's a crime neighbors can easily access the video from any computer. camera record day and night. >> never again will we allow a criminal to enter or leave our neighborhood undetected. >> any time you can bring that that he willment into and for the investigation that's very valuable. >> this year oakland has seen a 26 percent rise in home burglary. 78 percent rise in car break-ins. san jose police looking for 2 robbers who got more than they bargain for when jewelry store owner opened fire on them this morning. 2 armed men entered the store at the intersection of king and story road at 10:15 and demanded items from the female owner. instead she fired at the robers who run outside and escaped in a dark colored suv. nobody was injured in the shooting. investigators are looking at surveillance video with the hope of identifying the criminals. on line retail remembers celebrating the cybermonday as the biggest on line shopping
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day in history. shoppers spent estimated one and a half billion dollars on this day become a new holiday buying tradition. ism bm reports almost 26 percent increase in spending from last year. most popular things to buy on line? according to pay pal apparel comes in first, followed by jewelry then electronic. cyberpurchasing continue. we compiled it for you on our web site. just click on cybermonday resources on our home page for coupons and list of some of the best deals out there. public nudity took the message to holiday festival tonight in san francisco. that story ahead also. >> black friday is history but may suprised to find out how many retailers still need holiday workers. we have the holiday workers. we have the story coming >> federal government shuts down a peanut butter plant. scare that led to the drastic move. >> and we take you for a cruise on car built specifically for women. auto maker says it can
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even help prevent wrinkles. that's all coming up. >> coming up next on "nightline". on this record breaking cybermonday we go inside the on line mega giant. secret of amazon. >> woman behind the greatest man hunt of all time. the real story of tracking down osama bin laden. that's on bin laden. that's on "nightline".
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for over 60,000 california foster children, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. everything's different now. sometimes i feel all alone.
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christmas used to be my favorite. i just don't expect anything. what if santa can't find me? to help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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>> federal authorities have shut down a company that produces trader joe organic peanut butter. fda found salmonella contamination at the new mexico processing facility. there are other grocers since september the fda says at least 41 people in 20 states mostly children became ill after eating some of the products. they have to prove the facility are salmonella free before they can reopen and redistribute. new at 11:00 small protest broke out at the tree lighting ceremony in san francisco castro district tonight. family surrounded the corner at
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18 and castro at 6 to mark the holiday. they were joined by few people with signs protesting san francisco ban on public nudity. police showed up to keep an eye on things but it appears everyone there kept his or her clothes on. black friday come and gone but many local businesses are still looking to higher more workers for the holiday season. we are live in san francisco with the story. cornell? >>reporter: you would think by now most rae tailers would have the holiday staff they need we were surprised to find out how many stores still need help. right away. one of the busiest shopping days of the year is but a memory. tell that to this person. >> it could have been better. >>reporter: he owns fresh apparel in the shop here and with boxes of clothes coming in every day he needs more help stocking. >> we have shipments coming in in two week for the christmas time so we might be looking for somebody to do the stocking. put up inventory folding.
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always folding here a.lot of t-shirts. >>reporter: number of stores inside here looking for holiday workers. garcia needs help at his perfume store. >> like somebody who is willing to work and willing to learn and willing to be part of this work out here. >>reporter: like perfume time. absolutely. >>reporter: it was the same story at san francisco stone town galleria where the hiring sign are out. analyst say this year about 36 percent of the nation retailers plan to hire more seasonal employee. in 2011 600,000 holiday workers got jobs. >> thank you for calling manpower this is fred. >>reporter: manpower employment agency surprised how many retailers are calling in need of workers right away. luckily brandon has lots of resume of qualified people to send. >> retail position to wear housing to packaging shipping them out. it's a vast majorit
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majority. >> of veronica needs holiday job and relieved to know she hasn't missed her opportunity. >> i'm surprised. i guess it shows that a lot of people are still shopping past black friday and how crazy it is. >>reporter: sees candy at the embarcadero center is hiring. most see candy stores across northern california is hiring for the holiday and beyond. live in san francisco tonight, abc 7 news thank you. >> best bet forget ago decent christmas tree this year is look for a big one and buy it now. summer drought took the toll on crop all across the country and christmas trees are really suffering this year. selection is limited so you may want to buy one early and bigger is better because older trees are better in drought conditions. we are certainly expecting a lot of rain coming our way. sandhya has been tracking live doppler 7 h dm and is here now. >>reporter: yes. first i show you the fog that most of you dealt with this morning. this
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is from sausolito. djb tv and this is what the morning commute may lack leak. let's check out live doppler 7 hd and what it looks like from that perspective. we see fog dropping visibility down to mile in fairfield. quarter of a mile in napa. high cloud are starting to move in so may prevent the coastal areas from really getting much in the way of fog tonight. but certainly low clouds and hay clouds as well. temperatures at this hour already in the mid to upper 40's in some of the coolest valleys. so here are the forecast highlights areas of dense fog overnight. wet and windy starting wednesday and more storms are coming in heading into the weekend. let's check out the temperatures tomorrow morning. want to grab a sweater or jacket heavy coat upper 30's to low 40's you can see here with the areas of fog especially in the valley dropping your adviceability so you need a little extra time for the morning commute. cloud along the coast line around parts of the bay. watch out for fog in the morning. give yourself
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extra time. this ep watch out for the storm. no. 1 storm bring a burst of wind rain wednesday morning. behind that storm is storm no. 2. this one gets in hear with heavy rain. pray mayoral aim at northern california thursday and friday and then third system will be coming through here with wide spread wind and rain this upcoming weekend so it's about a stretch of 5 days where we will have rain in the forecast. so let's start our computer animation 5:00 a.m. wed starting to get nasa. >> wind out ahead of it. out of the south 50 to 60 miles an hour especially along the coast and over the hills. rain will be heavy at times for that morning drive on wednesday. stormy weather continues behind theront though. we go with showers for the afternoon evening you get a little bit of a break. only for storm no. 2 to arrive thursday by midday so we are watching the storms as i mention and when all said and done wednesday through sunday here's what the rainfall projection looks like. 8 inches in the wettest north bay
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location up to half foot across the heart of the bay area. 4 inches for the peninsula. south bay east bay and the rainfall starts to drop off down to about three inches heading towards the monterey bay. but with this kind of significant rain flood watch has been posted from wednesday through saturday for lake county the straits and delta also includes sacramento valley and northern san joaquin valley flooding of creek and stream likely especially the small ones. wouldn't be surprised if the flood watch gets extended to other parts of the bay area as we get into the storms as they start to hit. tomorrow afternoon could see few sprinkles. main rain doesn't arrive until wednesday morning. upper 50's to the low 60's. as you notice here with increasing cloud cover throughout the day and around the monterey bay looking at low to mid 60's and you will be seeing the clouds thickening as well as the day goes on. accu-weather 7 day forecast looks like this. wet windy conditions for the morning commute on wednesday. we are warning you well in advance so you know to plan accordingly.
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heavy rain especially north bay thursday. it will be wet friday saturday sunday chance of rain heading into monday and with the gusty winds could see down power lines and trees. we are also talking about the potential for some large waves up to 15 feet as we head in friday morning so big concerns are the and the wave. lisa is here for mike starting at 4:30 tomorrow morning until 7:00 a.m. and she will have any updates on the timing of the systems first thing in the morning. >> this is going to be a lot of rain by week end. >>reporter: exactly. we are talking about long stretch so when the ground starts to get saturated, especially by the end of the week heading into the weekend when you think well we can let our guard down not quite. may start to see more problems as the ground gets saturate. >> thanks sandhya. >> take a look at this. does it look like it's worth 1,000 dollars? the new bay area restaurant with praises that just might turn your stomach. stay with
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♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good!
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about. >> aiming straight for the heart of female market honda is offering new small car designed specifically for women. the
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honda she's fit model comes in pink and few other colors but company executive says compliments the woman make up. honda claims the car can help prevent brink well a windshield cuts 99 percent of the sun uv ray. air conditioning is to protect delicate skin from drying out as well. the carrie tails for 17,000 right now available only in japan. i'm sure mike could benefit from this car. here's another one for you. in the bay area you can get a taste of japanese creativity at a price. menu items at the new restaurant in los gatos as much as 2 you say dollars for a stack. more than 1,000 dollars for a special chef creation. caviar and lobster listed for 1200 dollar dollars. nothing on the menu about financing or interest rates. yikes. that's whole lot of money 30. saying i'm
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wrinkled? >> you want to keep the youthful appearance going. >> okay let's move forward. alec smith or collin cap nicki take starting quarterback for 500 please. that's million dollar question for harbaugh this week. who is starting quarterback. jim breaks down criteria what are you doing there? i am making crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ]
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dad, the cable's out! you got that right? [ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy? 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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if. >> jim har but has 2 good quarterback. that's a
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beginning good thing but also a dilemma now that alec smith is healthy and collin played well who should he start sunday in st. louis. smith is the captain. couple play away from the superbowlless year on top of that led the niners to a good record this year before his concussion. collin did what he was supposed to do as back up. come in and manage the offense and put up 2 w in the win column. different skill sets. collin more mobile able to avoid sack and strong arm and alec more accurate and comfortable in the zone and here's the the dilemma 8. unique situation. you have 2 quarterback that are playing at a very high level. one is the captain and one is the starting quarterback. the other has played grit football. the last 3 football games. both have a hot hand. >> i think the thing best for us we have 2 good guys. >>reporter: harbaugh said he will make the decision by wednesday sought team can move
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forward. bad news for the niners they lost kyle with a torn acl in the left knee. he was blocking yesterday and he buckle hate to see it happen. having good year. randy and aj can pick up the slack. hunter hurt on the same play no word on his status but jake objects are lying in bait here. raiders lost the fourth straight game yesterday in cincinnati and they have been out scored 169 to 17 in the span. defense can't seem to stop anybody. ben ran for 1 between. team 2 21 yards rushing raiders can't tackle anyone and never seem to be on the same passenger in the coverage. offensively they have no run game which leaves palmer vulnerable in the pocket. team just pin the ear back and goes after him. threw for season low 146 yards. coach allen trying to stay positive. >> we have only got to look at what we are doing and who we are asking to do it and somewhere in there we have to found that solution what


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